
Thursday, September 11, 2014


Help me to glorify you in the things I do today, Lord.

I know I will fail, and because of that I lose faith.

I don't want a shaky faith.

I want confidence in who I am in you.

Help me remember who I am because of who YOU are.

You are sovereign

Your eyes look for the good in me.

You see me through the lens of grace.

Knowing my failures, you still chose to pay the price.

I am forgiven.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Who do they think they are?

What if they did it my way?

When will they be more like me?

Where did they learn that was acceptable?

Why do they make that choice?

If they would just quit.

If they would just exercise.

If they would just go to church.

If they would just try harder.

What if we stopped pointing our invisible fingers into the faces?

What if we asked instead?

What if we were brave enough to shut our mouths and listen to the answers?

Instead we assume we know.

Instead we guess.

Instead we wound with our "knowledge."

If we were silent?

If we quieted our preconceived ideas?

If we looked into the eyes of all of us?

Would a piece of us connect to them?

Would we feel compassion instead of false pride?

Would we find ourselves in the stories of these?

The addict to substance?

The addict to lust?

The addict to pride?

The thief of possessions?

The thief of innocence?

The thief of love?

The murderer of body?

The murderer of souls?

The murderer of hope?

We are all guilty.

We are all wounded.

We are them.

They are us.

We all have a story that needs to be heard

Not filtered through judgement and pride

But filtered through compassion and love.

Stop the labels!

Look into the eyes of the soul!

Listen to the source of the pain!

And when we are brave enough to do this

The questions will disappear.

Tenderness will soothe.

And we will heal.

Because we are them

They are us

We are the same.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Flashfloods of bitterness

Lies decomposing the truth

Hatred aimed at hatred 

Believing it will protect my heart from others' jealousy, revenge, lack of forgiveness.

Convinced it will protect my soul and body from harm 

Deceit so deeply rooted, it is hard to fight. 

Almost impossible. 


But a faithful few

Those standing on the frontline

Praying for truth


Waging war against distortion that devours peace

Believing there is better

Not abandoning because of my lack of perfection

Staying to fight a battle that would be lost if left in silence,

Offer hope that blooms in the knowledge that I am not forgotten

Friday, August 23, 2013


Hatred, anger, and bitterness.

Sadness, loss, and loneliness.


Oozed from pores miles away.


So thick it touched others in their core.

And then limits were reached.

Infected wounds burst unable to hold poison a moment longer.

Realizing life can not thrive in the disease of unforgiveness,

Realizing there is much life to live beyond this pain.

In the sweet surrender.

In the sweet release.

Healing will come.

Monday, August 12, 2013



it costs

and fractures

taking a piece of you

and replacing it with a piece of them

love changes you in unpredictable ways

softening your soul

and when it is time to say goodbye

to someone who has stolen your heart

you are left with hope even though the future is unsure

because you gave what you had

you held your heart open

you weren't afraid to truly live

you were vulnerable, real, and raw

the pain of love did not stop you


when love is present

souls touch

and time or space cannot fracture that.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


There is only one of me beating in you.

I am the soul,

the center.

I bring life,

both emotional and physical.

I am not indestructible.

I will not work right if I am not cared for.

I feel the weight of this world.

I feel the need for something deeper,

something lasting,

something real.

Care for me so I don't break.

Care for me so I can thrive,

love without condition,

live without fear,

not grow cold and hard.

Care for me so I can beat in freedom.

Friday, June 14, 2013


Hearts bitter cold




To bone

And deeper.

Lies planted deep

Cutting off air

Fury strangulating flesh.

Truth buried in dark depths.

Tar oozing

Distorted black



Suffocating the living

Burying alive until nothing is left but more of the same.